As you may know, I LOVE history, I thought I would dedicate today to some special events. Here is my top ten most interest events that took place today: 10. 1853 Cincinnati, Ohio, became the first U.S. city to pay its firefighters a regular salary.

9. 1873 Composer Sergei Rachmaninoff was born in Russia.

8. 1939 The United States recognized the Franco government in Spain following the end of the Spanish Civil War. 7. 1960 The first weather satellite, TIROS-1, was launched from Cape Canaveral.

6. 1970 President Richard Nixon signed a measure banning cigarette advertising on radio and TV.

5. 1999 A New Jersey man was arrested and charged with originating the "Melissa" e-mail virus, which infected more than 1 million computers worldwide.

4. 2001 Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was arrested on corruption charges after a 26-hour armed standoff with police at his Belgrade villa.

3. Debbie Reynolds was born!

2. 2003 American troops rescued Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch from a hospital in Nasiriyah, Iraq, where she had been held prisoner since her unit was ambushed nine days earlier.

AND NOW....THE NUMBER 1, MOST WONDERFUL EVENT THAT TOOK PLACE TODAY IN HISTORY...(Drum roll)....(and another drum roll).... In 2004 - Google introduced its Gmail product to the public!!

Just Kidding!!! April Fools!!! The best thing about today, is that it is Cheryls Birthday!!! Cheryl is one of my favorite people. She is fun and thoughful, pretty and very talented.

I think she is a wonderful mom to Abi, and new baby to come!

She is a great wife to Doug.

And a fabulous sister-in-law...(she would have to be to put up with Melinda making her perform, and not to hate me for posting this video! Which I'm posting because it shows how cute her laugh is!) I love you Cheryl! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Wow. That video is pretty bad but I still love you. I would have burned that had I realized it existed.Thanks for all you said.
I'm pretty excited that Debbie Reynolds was born on my birthday!!
I agree. That video needs to be destroyed. It would have been great if it had just been cute Melinda and Cheryl.
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