Monday, March 23, 2009

Callie O'Mallie


As today is Miss Callie's Birthday, I am dedicating this post to her. This will take the shape of a poem....

C Is for cooky! I love that Callie is always playin' around.

A Is for Angelic. Callie really is very sweet.

L Is for Loving. Callie shows love for everyone.

L is for Loyal. Callie will stick by your side no matter what.

I is for Individual. Callie has a fun personality that is all her own.

E is for Elegant. Isn't she...

Monday, March 16, 2009


This weekend I was cleaning out one of my closets and came across some artwork I was in the middle of over a year ago. With working and going to school, both full time, I don't spend much time with my art, or doing anything creative. For me having a creative outlet is so important. My goal this week is to get back in touch with my creative side. I'll let you all know has it goes. For now, I hope you enjoy this very creative video!